Health and Dental Plan
Opt-in Application

Use this application during your first eligible term to opt-in to the TMGSU health and dental plan. 

Change Periods: Opt-In

Winter 2024 Opt-In Application

Part-time graduate students* are eligible to opt-in to the health and dental plan. All students* enrolled on the plan may choose to opt-in their spouse/common-law partner and/or dependent children. Additional plan fees apply. Opt-in applications will only be accepted during the student’s first eligible term during the opt-in period. No exceptions will be granted if an opt-in application is not submitted to the TMGSU opt-in portal within the opt-in period.

After completing the opt-in application form, you will be required to make payment for the opt-in application immediately by PayPal. Payment options include by PayPal account (allowing you to make payment by your bank account or credit card), or without using a PayPal account by credit card or visa debit.

Winter Opt Out Period: January 1st- February 9th 2024

For more information, please visit our website at

*Benefits are only available to TMGSU members that are graduate students at Toronto Metropolitan University
